This project (2018-1-SE01-KA201-039098) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Work in progress

This section allows a constant communication and sharing of information among the project partners as far as the activities for the different intellectual outputs are concerned.

Each project partner upload this section of a three months basis.

Work in progress
Södertörn University
01 November 2018 - 30 April 2021
PM - Project Management
- Coordination of the project with the support from Pixel - Production of the brochure in Swedish and English - creation of a logo for Fiction - to enable the implementation of the project by preparing all project documents - to plan and implement the dissemination of the project - to recruit other researchers and to liaise with Södertörn University’s management - to liaise with the Swedish partner school - to encourage new schools to join as associate partners
Preparation of the Fiction logo. Preparation of the brochure in Swedish and English. Insertion of translated text in Italian in the brochure. Preparation of presentation of the planning of Fiction and the use om Impact+ tool for Kick off meeting in Florence. Presentation of Fiction at a meeting at the Swedish National Agency and distribution of the brochure. Preparation for the second partner meeting in Limerick, Ireland. Presentations of Fiction for students at Media technology program, Södertörn University. Presentations of Fiction at different schools, department and groups of researchers at Södertörn University. Producing a description of the project in English and in Swedish on the Södertörn University website for exploitation. Meeting with students at the media technology program, Södertörn University, producing dissemination material. Dissemination of brochure at a conference in science education (New Perspective in Science Education) in Florence, Italy. Dissemination of brochure at a partner meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria. Oral presentation of results from Fiction project at a conference on Education and New Learning Technologies in Mallorca, Spain (Edulearn19). Research article of results from Fiction project in the proceeding of the Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (Edulearn19). Distribution of Fiction brochure at a Edulearn19-conference. Dissemination of brochure at a conference in science education (ESERA) in Bologna, Italy. Oral presentation of the Fiction project at the conference in science education (ESERA). Oral presenting Fiction on a meeting with science teacher educator at the National centre for biology and distribution of the brochure. Preparing the first budget report. Finding associated partners from Bulgaria and Greece. Presentation of Fiction for 2 coordinators from Swedish National Agency and 2 coordinators from Hungary National agency and distribution of the brochure. Invited to have a seminar about Fiction project at a conference for Swedish STEM teacher educator in Sundsvall, Sweden and distribution of the brochure. Distribution of the brochure at a meeting for teachers and researchers with Erasmus + K2 Partnership projects from the Nordic countries at the National Agency at Bergen, Norway. Distribution of the brochure at a meeting at the Swedish National agency. Presentation of results from Fiction project at a meeting in Liceo Macchiavelli (secondary high school), Florence, Italy. Planning a one day meeting at Södertörn University with a teacher from Ronna school. 2 days planning meeting for Training activity week in September. Filling in project activities and disseminations. Planning and coordination of several meetings with teachers in Ronnaskolan. Planning of activities of IO1 and IO2. Interviewed by the Communications officer of Södertörn University about the Fiction project. Contact with Swedish National Agency for prolongation of the project. Presentation of Fiction project at the national conference NU (Conference on University teaching ) at a workshop about digital competences. Presentation of the project to Kodcentrum, a non-profit association that introduce programming and digital creation to children. Send brochure about Fiction. Involving them as associated partner. Presentation of the project to Vetenskap & allmänhet, an independent Swedish non-profit membership organisation that works to promote dialogue and openness between researchers and the public. Send brochure about Fiction. Involving them as associated partner. Planning and carrying through Training activity for teachers from partner schools. Information to neighboring municipalities and school directors about Fiction. Five digital meetings with partners during the pandemic. Report of new exploitation links, activity reports and disseminations.
Fiction brochure in Italian, Swedish and English with logo that can be used for dissemination. Dissemination of the project to researchers and teachers international and national. Approved budget report. Associated partners of the project. Successful partner meetings. Successful meetings with teachers from Ronna school that moves the project forward A detailed plan and carrying through the Training activity with teachers from partner school. Dissemination of the project. Prolongation of the project with 6 months.