Effective use of ICT based science teaching learning objects.
The guidelines aim at providing science secondary school teachers with the competences to make an effective use of ICT based science teaching learning objects.Teachers’ Guidelines
2. Teachers’ self-assessment
2.2 Teachers’ Digital Competence
2.2 Teachers’ Digital Competence
2.2.2 The European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu)
The digital competence framework for teachers (DigCompEdu) is based on the work conducted by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission under the mandate of the Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (DG EAC).
DigCompEdu offers a coherent model that allows teachers and trainers to verify their level of "digital pedagogical competence" and develop it further. This model is not intended to replace the tools defined at national level, but to enrich and expand them. Its added value is to provide:
The DigCompEdu framework is divided into six areas that focus on different aspects of the professional activity of teachers and trainers:
Area 1: Professional involvement and enhancement
Using digital technologies for organizational communication, collaboration and growth Professional
Area 2: Digital Resources
Identify, share and create digital educational resources
Area 3: Teaching and learning practices
Manage and organise the use of digital technologies in teaching processes and learning
Area 4: Evaluation of learning
Using digital tools and strategies to improve evaluation practices
Area 5: Enhancement of the potential of students
Using digital technologies to foster greater inclusion, personalisation and active involvement of students
Area 6: Fostering the development of digital competences of students
These stages and the logic of their progression are inspired by Bloom’s revised taxonomy, that explains the subsequent cognitive stages of any learning progress well, from “Remembering” and “Understanding”, to “Applying” and “Analysing”, and finally to “Evaluating” and “Creating”. Similarly, in the first two stages of DigCompEdu, Newcomer (A1) and Explorer (A2), teachers assimilate new information and develop basic digital practices; at the following two stages, Integrator (B1) and Expert (B2), educators apply, further expand and reflect on their digital practices; at the highest stages, Leader (C1) and Pioneer (C2), educators pass on their knowledge, critique existing practice and develop new practices.
The descriptors also relate to an educator’s relative strengths and roles within a professional community. For example, within a team of educators, an Integrator (B1) is ideally suited to sourcing new ideas and tools, whereas the colleague at Expert (B2) level may be better at deciding how to go about implementing these; the colleague at Explorer (A2) level can best identify the possible problems learners may encounter in the use of the digital technologies involved, and the role of the Leader (C1) or Pioneer (C2) of the team would be to shape the project so as to seize the innovative potential of digital technologies in enhancing learning and empowering learners.
Help students to use digital technologies creatively and responsibly for activities concerning information, communication, content creation, personal well-being and problem solving.
By analysing and grouping the tools developed at international level, DigCompEdu is a scientifically sound framework that helps to guide policy and can be directly adapted to implement regional and national training tools and programmes. In addition, it provides a common language and approach that will help dialogue and exchange good practice across borders. The DigCompEdu framework addresses educators at all levels of education, from early childhood to higher and adult education, including general and vocational training, special needs education and non-formal learning contexts. It aims to provide a general reference framework for DigCompEdu competence model developers, i.e. Member States, regional governments, relevant national and regional agencies, educational organisations themselves and public or private vocational training providers.
DigCompEdu offers a coherent model that allows teachers and trainers to verify their level of "digital pedagogical competence" and develop it further. This model is not intended to replace the tools defined at national level, but to enrich and expand them. Its added value is to provide:
- A guide for the development of educational policies at various levels;
- A conceptual model that allows the different actors of the education and training system to
- create concrete tools, suitable to meet their needs;
- A common and coherent language to promote the discussion and exchange of good practices paperwork;
- A reference point for the Member States to validate the approach and completeness of the own tools and frameworks in this area.
The DigCompEdu framework is divided into six areas that focus on different aspects of the professional activity of teachers and trainers:
Area 1: Professional involvement and enhancement
Using digital technologies for organizational communication, collaboration and growth Professional
Area 2: Digital Resources
Identify, share and create digital educational resources
Area 3: Teaching and learning practices
Manage and organise the use of digital technologies in teaching processes and learning
Area 4: Evaluation of learning
Using digital tools and strategies to improve evaluation practices
Area 5: Enhancement of the potential of students
Using digital technologies to foster greater inclusion, personalisation and active involvement of students
Area 6: Fostering the development of digital competences of students
These stages and the logic of their progression are inspired by Bloom’s revised taxonomy, that explains the subsequent cognitive stages of any learning progress well, from “Remembering” and “Understanding”, to “Applying” and “Analysing”, and finally to “Evaluating” and “Creating”. Similarly, in the first two stages of DigCompEdu, Newcomer (A1) and Explorer (A2), teachers assimilate new information and develop basic digital practices; at the following two stages, Integrator (B1) and Expert (B2), educators apply, further expand and reflect on their digital practices; at the highest stages, Leader (C1) and Pioneer (C2), educators pass on their knowledge, critique existing practice and develop new practices.
The descriptors also relate to an educator’s relative strengths and roles within a professional community. For example, within a team of educators, an Integrator (B1) is ideally suited to sourcing new ideas and tools, whereas the colleague at Expert (B2) level may be better at deciding how to go about implementing these; the colleague at Explorer (A2) level can best identify the possible problems learners may encounter in the use of the digital technologies involved, and the role of the Leader (C1) or Pioneer (C2) of the team would be to shape the project so as to seize the innovative potential of digital technologies in enhancing learning and empowering learners.
Help students to use digital technologies creatively and responsibly for activities concerning information, communication, content creation, personal well-being and problem solving.
By analysing and grouping the tools developed at international level, DigCompEdu is a scientifically sound framework that helps to guide policy and can be directly adapted to implement regional and national training tools and programmes. In addition, it provides a common language and approach that will help dialogue and exchange good practice across borders. The DigCompEdu framework addresses educators at all levels of education, from early childhood to higher and adult education, including general and vocational training, special needs education and non-formal learning contexts. It aims to provide a general reference framework for DigCompEdu competence model developers, i.e. Member States, regional governments, relevant national and regional agencies, educational organisations themselves and public or private vocational training providers.
Online Resources
- European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators: DigCompEdu" by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre, EUR 28775 EN, ISBN 978-92-79-73494-6, doi:10.2760/159770, JRC107466, http://europa.eu/!gt63ch