The Fiction project partnership made contacts with web sites focusing on the field of scientific education
IDEAS Project
The main objective of the project is making secondary school teachers prepared to cope in the short / medium term with the new ways of learning, teaching and communicating with students at risk of exclusion whose situation has been further endangered by COVID19 emergency and in the longer term to develop an aware capacity to use innovative ICT based methodologies guaranteeing full access and equal opportunities to learn to all students.
CUT project
The CUT! project will target directly pre-adolescent boys and girls in school, as they are the best target group to prevent at an early stage alcohol abuse and other risky behaviours. At the same time, parents, educators and psychological support staff are also directly targeted as they represent the two actors mainly involved in the growth and education of young people between 11-14. Specific objectives include:
- Raise awareness on the issue of alcohol abuse
- Prevent risky behaviours eventually leading to alcohol abuse
- Develop response strategies to tackle the issue of alcohol abuse among pre-adolescents
CAMPS Project
The CAMPS project intends to develop a greater and sound awareness of the importance of CLIL methodology for primary schools, as language studies have been increasingly proving that foreign languages can be more easily learned at a younger age, and so it seems to be for foreign languages learned/taught through CLIL methodology. The specific aims of the project are:
- Provide primary school teachers with reliable yet accessible methodological training that can supply knowledge and experience with the CLIL so that it will be possible to create simple disciplinary input in English
- Provide teachers with easy and effective access to CLIL base teaching tools, taking the form of CLIL based Video lessons in English focusing on Arts and Music, to be used in their everyday teaching practices
- Promote the insertion of CLIL methodology at the primary school level by providing exemplary and motivational case studies
Go Green Project
The project aims at redefining disciplinary programs and educational methods through cooperation between the different institutions of education and providing theoretical-methodological schemes which are innovative and closer to the analyzed realities as well as virtuous models of action which will enhance environmental issues. The specific aims of the project are:
- Contribute to promoting the awareness of schools communities about environmental issues and sustainable development through the promotion of a transdisciplinary approach and problem-based learning.
- Implementing, experimenting, validating, supporting, and disseminating training models linked to the environment and to more aware management and consumption of natural resources.
- Enhance the contribution that the school education system can give to the environmental sustainability
CAVE Project
The project identifies three main specific objectives:
- Provide basic and transversal digital skills to teachers for a transformation of teaching methodologies by emphasizing the opportunities for relationship and participation that online platforms offer.
- Work on the innovation of sharing strategies of teaching materials in social platforms close to the daily online relational experience of young people, as well as on better communicability of teaching materials through the adoption of visual languages and storytelling as narration methods of more engaging content.
- Provide transversal digital skills (e.g. critical analysis, user awareness, creative content production) for greater autonomy and behavioural online responsibility online.
The objective of the BiMo project is, with the help of secondary school headmasters and teachers, to deepen the views, impressions and needs of the parents in monolingual societies with implemented bilingual education programmes, and to establish synergies from societies with greater experience in everyday bilingualism and bilingual education programmes in a foreign language.
VRSciT Project
GrEnFIn Project
The GrEnFIn Erasmus+/Knowledge Alliance project aims to provide the Energy Sector’s stakeholders (energy providers, private companies, research institutes,…) the figure of the Sustainable Energy experts professional, i.e. European high skilled professionals capable to face the changing challenges in the field with an inclusive global logic. On the web page of the GrEnFIn project is available a link to the project portal then all the users (partners, lecturers, associated partners and people interested in the project) may now learn about and benefit from the Fiction project.
Pernilla Josefsson
Pernilla Josefsson is senior lecturer in media technology with interest in e-learning, school digitization and social media. She works in Södertörn University and in her personal section she has a direct link to the Fiction project portal. All students, teachers and staff of the university, and all users who visit the university website may now learn about and benefit from the FICTION project.
Kai-Mikael Jää Aro section
Kai-Mikael Jää Aro teaches Computer Games in Södertörn University. A link to the Fiction project is available on his personal presentation on the website of Södertörn University. All students, teachers and staff of the university, and all users who visit the university website may now learn about and benefit from the FICTION project.
Södertörn University
The fiction project is presented on Södertörn University's research database with a link to the project home page. Many students and lecturers visit daily the web site then all the users who visit the university website may now learn about and benefit from the FICTION project.
Södertörn University
Fiction project was presented in Research News on the web site of Södertörn University. The picture showed a meeting with the team from Södertörn University and teachers from Ronnaskolan. On the web page of the instituion is available a link to the project portal then all the students and teachers from the University may now learn about and benefit from the Fiction project.
LIT is partner in the Fiction project. LIT Facebook page provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. There are 17K + followers of LIT’s Facebook page that may now learn about and benefit from the Fiction project.
Limerick Institute of Technology
LIT is partner in the Fiction project. Erasmus+ Facebook page provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. There are 6.5K followers of Erasmus+ Facebook page, including links in other EU countries who may become involved with the project intellectual outputs.
IPB Braganca
Polytechnic Institute of Bragança is an associated partner in the Fiction project. IPB website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. There are many users of IPB’s website (students, lecturers and all the website's visitors) that may now learn about and benefit from the Fiction project.
Liceo Classico Scientifico & Sportivo Statale “M. L. King”
The Liceo was born in the sixties as the "Third Scientific High School". In the school year 69/70 was transformed into an autonomous high school, assuming the name of 3rd State Scientific High School and in the 70/71 school year it changed its name to Liceo Scientifico Martin Luther King. On the web page of the instituion is available a link to the project portal. All the students, the teachers, the staff of the school, and the users who visit the school website may now learn about and benefit from the FICTION project.
DIMA is the department of mathemtatics and statiscs of the University of Genova. DIMA offers two bachelor's degree programs (in mathematics and statistics), one master's degree program and two doctoral programs. On the web page of the instituion is available a link to the project portal so all students, teachers, staff of the university, and all users who visit the university website may now learn about and benefit from the FICTION project.
Liceo Armaldi Novi Ligure
Liceo Scientifico Statale of Novi Ligure, established in the 1968/69 school year as a detached section of the Liceo Scientifico Statale "G. Galilei" of Alessandria, obtained administrative autonomy in the 1972/73 school year. In 1994 it was named after Edoardo Amaldi. On the web page of the instituion is available a link to the project portal. All the students, the teachers, the staff of the school, and the users who visit the school website may now learn about and benefit from the FICTION project.
Dante Alighieri society is partner in the Fiction project. Dante website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. There are many users of Dante’s website that may now learn about and benefit from the Fiction project.
Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Alberti Dante
Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Alberti Dante is partner in the Fiction project. The website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. All the students, the teachers, the staff of the school, and the users who visit the school website may now learn about and benefit from the FICTION project.
Francesco Passarella
Passarella is a teacher of the Fiction project. Passarella's website provides a direct link to the Portal. All the students, the teachers, the staff of the school, and the users who visit the school website may now learn about and benefit from the FICTION project.
Liceo Scientifico Enrico Fermi
Liceo Scientifico Enrico Fermi is partner in the Fiction project. Liceo Scientifico Enrico Fermi website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. All the students, the teachers, the staff of the school, and the users who visit the school website may now learn about and benefit from the FICTION project.
University of Genova - Emanuela De Negri
A direct link to the project portal is available from Emanuela De Negri's web page on the web site of the University of Genova then all the students may now learn about and benefit from the Fiction project. All students, teachers and staff of the university, and all users who visit the university website may now learn about and benefit from the FICTION project.
LIT Development Unit
The Development Unit in LIT oversees the Erasmus+ and other transnational projects that LIT is collaborating in. The link gives detailed information about the project and links to the project portal. All the students, the lecturers, the staff of the school, and the users who visit the school website may now learn about and benefit from the FICTION project.
Chemistry in Action!
Chemistry in Action! is an associated partner in the Fiction project. The Chemistry in Action! website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. There are approximately 1500 subscribers to the Chemistry in Action! Magazine who will now have information about the project.
The aim of the GoScience project is to promote students' creativity with the aim of making scientific knowledge better understandable and increase their functional literacy in STEM subjects. On the web page of the instituion is available a link to the project portal then all the users may now learn about and benefit from the Fiction project.
SPGE John Atanasov
SPGE John Atanasov is partner in the Fiction project. SPGE Atanasov website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. All the students, the teachers, the staff of the school, and the users who visit the school website may now learn about and benefit from the FICTION project.
MathE - Improve Math Skills in Higher Education
The MathE project has the aim of enhancing the quality of teaching and improving pedagogies and assessment methods. On the web page of the project is available a link to the project portal then all the users (partners, lecturers, associated partners and people interested in the project) may now learn about and benefit from the Fiction project.
Amato is a teacher of the Fiction project. Amato website provides a direct link to the Portal. All students, teachers and staff of the university, and all users who visit the university website may now learn about and benefit from the FICTION project.
Machiavelli is partner in the Fiction project. Machiavelli website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. All the students, the teachers, the staff of the school, and the users who visit the school website may now learn about and benefit from the FICTION project.
Do Well Science
The general objective of the Do Well Science project is to increase secondary students’ achievements in science subjects. It addresses science teachers and it also has a link to the Fiction project. On the web page of the project is available a link to the project portal then all the users (partners, lecturers, associated partners and people interested in the project) may now learn about and benefit from the Fiction project.
Cattedra UNESCO in Antropologia della salute. Biosfera e sistemi di cura.
Launched in 1992, the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme, which involves over 700 institutions in 116 countries, promotes international inter-university cooperation and networking to enhance institutional capacities through knowledge sharing and collaborative work. The programme supports the establishment of UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks in key priority areas related to UNESCO’s fields of competence – i.e. in education, the natural and social sciences, culture and communication. On the web page of is available a link to the project portal then all the users of the website may now learn about and benefit from the Fiction project.
University of Genoa
The University of Genoa is one of the most valuable cultural and scientific heritage of the Mediterranean and the Italian north-western area. It is deeply interconnected with the city of Genoa and its economic framework. On the web page of the instituion is available a link to the project portal then many students and lecturers visit daily the web site then all the users who visit the university website may now learn about and benefit from the FICTION project.
Limerick Institute of Technology
LIT is partner in the Fiction project. LIT website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. All the students, the teachers, the staff of the Institute, and the users who visit the school website may now learn about and benefit from the FICTION project.
LIT Development Unit
LIT is partner in the Fiction project. The Development Unit website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. There are many external users of LIT’s Development Unit website.
Colaiste Mhuire Co-Ed Facebook
Our school Facebook is a vibrant and active social media platform where we share day to day news and activities and highlight school achievements. Engagement in our posts is usually very high and wide reaching. On the Social Media page (which counts more than 2000 followers) of the instituion is available a link to the project portal then all the users may now learn about and benefit from the Fiction project.
The Science department of Colaiste Mhuire Co-Ed has a dedicated Science Twitter page sharing all things Science related happening in our school, locality or of interest to our subject. We are currently showcasing the apps our staff have explored in intellectual output 1 on our Twitter page. On the Social Media page (which counts around 150 followers) of the instituion is available a link to the project portal then all the users may now learn about and benefit from the Fiction project.
Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed
Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed is partner in the Fiction project. Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. There are many users of the website that may now learn about and benefit from the Fiction project.
Södertälje Science Park
The local campus in Södertälje has been approached, in particular their joint venture with industry and the Royal Institute of Technology called “Södertälje Science Park”. They cater for technical development and facilitating environmentally friendly and sustainable production.
They are now pro bono partners and supporters of the FICTION project and collaboration with Ronna school has started. They will also sign a partnership agreement. We will utilize their expertize and will have access to their well-equipped “Maker Space”. On the webage is available a link to the project portal then all the users may now learn about and benefit from the Fiction project.
Pixel is partner in the Fiction project. Pixel website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users from Universities, Associations, Public bodies, Training Agencies, Schools, participants in the International Conferences on Education and people interested in the seminars/masters visit Pixel website (estimated visits are around 12.000 users each year). They may now learn about and benefit from the Fiction project