Effective use of ICT based science teaching learning objects.
The guidelines aim at providing science secondary school teachers with the competences to make an effective use of ICT based science teaching learning objects.Teachers’ Guidelines
3 Appropriate Tools for Professional Development
3.1 National Policies for Professional Development of Teachers
3.1 National Policies for Professional Development of Teachers
3.1.1 Continuous Professional Development for Teachers in Ireland
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for teachers in Ireland has greatly expanded since the early 1990s, although it is not yet mandatory.
Professional Development Service for Teachers
The PDST is key to the delivery of CPD and support to teachers in schools. Technology in Education is one of the many teams that comprise PDST teams to support teachers in line with DES strategies and ongoing curricular reform. Junior Cycle for Teachers (JCT) is a dedicated CPD support service that delivers appropriate high quality CPD for teachers, and the provides of effective teaching and learning resources.
The Teacher Professional Network Scheme (TPN) is a teacher organisation that affords professional peer support to members. As well as offering certified continuing professional development courses, the universities and colleges of education also provide various shorter, non-certificate courses, and some engage in research and development courses with clusters of schools in their vicinity, with a strong professional development dimension.
Incentives for Participation in Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Activities
Teacher CPD is mainly voluntary. Where there is a curriculum change which necessitates CPD it may be viewed as mandatory although teachers cannot be directed to attend. Travel and subsistence are reimbursed according to Department rates and substitution may be provided depending on the course.
Certificates of attendance are provided in most cases, for example, to newly qualified teachers for attendance at workshops and also to primary teachers who attend 20 hour summer courses.
Some CPD opportunities are also available through the Irish Science Teachers’ Association and conferences like ICT in Education.
Professional Development Service for Teachers
The PDST is key to the delivery of CPD and support to teachers in schools. Technology in Education is one of the many teams that comprise PDST teams to support teachers in line with DES strategies and ongoing curricular reform. Junior Cycle for Teachers (JCT) is a dedicated CPD support service that delivers appropriate high quality CPD for teachers, and the provides of effective teaching and learning resources.
The Teacher Professional Network Scheme (TPN) is a teacher organisation that affords professional peer support to members. As well as offering certified continuing professional development courses, the universities and colleges of education also provide various shorter, non-certificate courses, and some engage in research and development courses with clusters of schools in their vicinity, with a strong professional development dimension.
Incentives for Participation in Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Activities
Teacher CPD is mainly voluntary. Where there is a curriculum change which necessitates CPD it may be viewed as mandatory although teachers cannot be directed to attend. Travel and subsistence are reimbursed according to Department rates and substitution may be provided depending on the course.
Certificates of attendance are provided in most cases, for example, to newly qualified teachers for attendance at workshops and also to primary teachers who attend 20 hour summer courses.
Some CPD opportunities are also available through the Irish Science Teachers’ Association and conferences like ICT in Education.
Online Resources
- Eurydice: National Policies Ireland – Teachers and Education Staffhttps://eacea.ec.europa.eu/national-policies/eurydice/content/teachers-and-education-staff-36_enThis document describes the development of the teaching profession in Ireland and includes information on Continuous Professional Development.
- Cosán – Framework for Teachers Learninghttps://www.teachingcouncil.ie/en/Publications/Teacher-Education/Cosan-Framework-for-Teachers-Learning.pdfThis document contextualizes Cosán, the framework for professional development of teachers in Ireland
- Teaching Councilhttps://www.teachingcouncil.ie/en/
- Teacher Professional Network (TPN)http://www.tpnetworks.ie/
- Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST) https://pdst.ie/
- PDST - Technology in Education https://www.pdsttechnologyineducation.ie/en/
- Irish Science Teachers’ Association https://www.ista.ie/
- ICT in Education Conference http://www.lit.ie/ict/default.aspx